Business Resources



Letting Go In Business: Top 10 Tips

April 06, 20243 min read

Trusting in others in business is not about handing over the reins, it’s about fostering a culture of collaboration, empowerment and growth.” - Sarah Munn

You can't be everywhere and do everything - here are 10 tips to making your business life less chaotic.

Trusting others when transitioning from working in the business to working on the business is a very personal process which can be both exhilarating and challenging. You release some control and are not visibly there all the time, nor are you doing everything. Delegating tasks and responsibilities, you’re essentially entrusting part of your vision to them. 

Letting go of control and learning to trust others is a personal journey, but essential for the scalability of your business. The amount of preparation you have in this area of letting go and trusting others, is different for everyone, and will be affected by your personality, your ability to process stress and your experiences in earlier life. 

It is always difficult to know how to balance time when you are a leader or running a business. When we start a new project we are often very motivated. Energy abounds and adrenaline is always there, even in the middle of the night when we will jump up to write down the most important thing ever. And it often is. Our psyche processes information in our sleep and can come up with the best of answers and ideas from that relaxed state. 

So how can you prepare as the business takes over your life and you begin to realise there needs to be at least two of you? In order for you to get other people involved you need to be emotionally ready. Here are ten things you could have on your ‘to do’ list to help you navigate this process; 

  • Understand Your Strengths and Limitations - focus on your personal and professional Strengths and Limitations List, knowing where you excel and where you struggle will help guide you in delegating tasks effectively

  • Address Limiting Beliefs - Work through your limiting beliefs that are getting in your way. These beliefs often stem from past experiences and fear of failure

  • Maximise Your Strengths - Make a plan for using your strengths most of the time, align your skills and expertise, and delegate tasks that fall outside of your realm

  • Identify Areas of Support - Work through who could help and how - in areas where you aren’t so strong. Look at people who can fulfil these roles effectively

  • Recruit People You Trust - Invest time in training them in what you want them to do, and clearly communicate your expectations

  • Embrace Imperfection - Let go of control so they can flourish and do things their way, understand that others may do things differently to you

  • Maintain Flexibility - Flow in and out of the business as you are needed. It’s important to stay informed, without micromanaging your future leaders 

  • Lead by Example - Lead the culture from the top and have a clear idea of the feel of things rather than the details of things 

  • Prioritize Reflection & Stillness - Meditate, and find the answers in the stillness, not in the chaos. Often the best ideas and solutions come when you allow your mind to rest and recharge

  • Embrace the Journey – Trusting and letting go is a continuous process. Be patient with yourself and your team, navigate transition together. Celebrate success and learn from things that go wrong

Trusting in others in business is not about handing over the reins, it’s about fostering a culture of collaboration, empowerment and growth. Embracing this journey will not only lighten your workload, it will also set your business up for long-term success.

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Sarah Munn

Sarah Munn is an AHPRA Registered Occupational Therapist who has worked in health and education for over 30 years. Sarah is also an Animal Assisted Therapist and is the owner, CEO and clinical leader for Barefoot Therapists and Gadara Farm. Sarah specializes in working with parents on understanding neurodiversity, developmental disabilities and trauma to make family life more rewarding and joyful. Sarah has Autism, ADHD and PTSD and lives with her children who are also neurodivergent. Sarah has walked barefoot in many of her family’s shoes and has incredible empathy and understanding of client journeys and everyday challenges. She is also trained in Meditation, Trauma Sensitive Yoga and Reiki. Sarah has included animals, nature and farm work in the development and implementation of therapy programs since 2012 and is a leading occupational therapist teaching in this sector. Sarah supports therapists and educators to assess and train horses for therapy practice, and is competent in the use of Permaculture, Equiculture and Horticulture Therapy. Sarah blends a lifetime of lived experiences, clinical and personal learnings to bring a rich and enjoyable pathway for families, therapists and educators. She has created these amazing educational offerings with her Barefoot Therapists team of professionals including Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists, Art Therapists, Teachers and Dieticians. You can work directly with Sarah on her individual and small group coaching programs or access our online video courses. Feel free to browse through the learning options whether you are looking for possibilities and growth in your caring and supporting role as a parent, carer or professional.

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The Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt & Jeff Cox

The Goal is a really interesting novel and business book. Despite being slightly cheesy, I got right into it. And I have to say the theory of constraints has stayed with me.

There are lots of things that guide businesses but this is certainly a great guide to how to find bottlenecks, and what's working and what isn't.

it's old and dated, but fun to read.

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Abundance - The Inner Path to Wealth by Deepak Chopra MD

This book is surprisingly about yoga. Yoga is the Science of consciousness and something I have been following since my teens. I was so excited when I heard Deepak use the phrase ‘Generosity of Spirit’.

This has been written into the Barefoot Therapists business plan since its inception in 2011 when I was the Barefoot OT working on my own.So nice to have some of my personal ideas about life and running a business validated here.

When I started my private practice, people weren’t running businesses to do good things. They were in private practice for profit (and it has got a bad rap because of that). I always said ‘do good work, and good things will come.’ That included finances, fulfilment, purpose and self worth for me. 

This book is a great reminder for those of you in business that we benefit from abundance of all kinds, not just in the bank. There are some great indicators for what staff groups need in their work to feel abundant too. And again it’s not just a pay rise.  Also of interest to families looking through the lens of inner abundance.

This aligns with my phrase in my parenting work with Love the Life you Have. Build inner confidence, chase down your demons and have a good look at them, and then let them go. From there, we can parent in the light and learn to regulate ourselves and truly love from the inside out. 

A rich fulfilling life comes from the inside. I love this message. And the book also has quizzes and PDF’s to go through to work out where you may still be stuck in a scarcity mindset.

Definitively a good read.

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Acknowledgement to Country

We Respect and Acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and their connections to the land, sea and community, and recognise the land on which we work is home to the Bunurong / Boon Wurrung members of the Kulin Nation. We pay our respects to all Elders past, present & future.

We meet the required standards for Insurance and Education.


Gadara Farm

470 Boneo Road

Boneo, Vic 3939

[email protected]


Barefoot Therapists

1/16 Henry Wilson Drive

Rosebud Vic 3939

(03) 5981 1120

[email protected]

Sarah Munn Therapy Teachings

ABN 62307340650

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