Fitter - Stronger - Happier

GTW Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy and Disclaimer

Grey Top Warriors believes that your privacy is very important. Read the following to learn all about our privacy policy.

Our policy applies to all personal information given and received, including all information from your past use of any of our products and services.

We define personal information as anything that would identify you, such as: your address, phone and email contact information, name, preferences, and other information that is not generally available to the public. Of course, this policy applies to Grey Top Warriors and no other companies or entities.

Grey Top Warriors does gather personal information about you when you subscribe to our emails, use any of our products and services, or visit any of our pages or pages of our partners. We may combine information about you with information from other associates and partners.

When you become a subscriber, we may request and collect information about you such as your name, contact information, birth date, gender, location, occupation, and preferences. For purchases and some services, we may ask for relevant financial information. Once you join, we know you—you are not anonymous. We collect information about your interactions with us and our partners. We do this automatically. Also, your browser gives us your IP address and cookie information.

Grey Top Warriors may need to set a cookie on your computer. Other companies that are not affiliated with Grey Top Warriors do not have access to our cookies.

What we do with this information: We do this to personalize your experience—nothing more, nothing less. This information allows us to fulfill your requests for our products and services, talk to you, improve our service to you, and provide strictly anonymous reporting to other clients.

We reserve the right to talk to you about matters related to your use of products and services associated with Grey Top Warriors, including but not limited to announcements, service and administrative updates, and health information.

We don’t rent, sell, give or share any of your personal information unless it’s to provide a service or product you request or is regulated by confidential requirements. We value our relationship with you and we value your privacy. Your information is never made available without your explicit consent.

You can edit your profile, preferences and settings at any time. You are always free to terminate your email subscription with Grey Top Warriors by clicking the “unsubscribe” button located in the footer of every email we send.

Children under 13 must have a parent or guardian approve registry with Grey Top Warriors. We will not contact children under 13 for personal information, sales promotions, or marketing purposes.

We provide complete physical, electronic and procedural security steps that comply with all federal government regulations in order to protect your information. We do not share your information with employees without their demonstrated, reasonable need to access your information in order to perform their jobs related to providing you with products and services that you request.

From time to time, we may modify our policy. We will always inform you of any changes by contacting you via the email address you have given us.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us by shooting us a line by emailing [email protected].

Views expressed on this website are just that – views. Opinions and information presented on this site are not intended to replace the advice of your primary health care provider. Please enjoy responsibly!

MDA Disclaimer

The views expressed on this site are my opinions. My words or any contributions from my staff should not be taken as a substitute for qualified medical expertise.

While I’m a “healthy guy” with many years of fitness, health and nutrition experience to my credit, my views are just that – my views. I hope you’ll find all GTW material to be helpful, challenging, engaging and compelling.

If you wish to reprint/republish a post, please contact me first.

Affiliate link disclosure

I use affiliate links on Grey Top Warriors. This means that in some cases when I link to or some other online retailer I get a commission for referred sales. Meaning, if you click one of these affiliate links and make a purchase the retailer gives me a cut of it. For what it’s worth, I never write articles and insert affiliate links for the sole reason of earning a commission. If I link to an online retailer it’s because I legitimately believe their product can benefit readers. And if I earn a few bucks in the process all the better. Earned commissions go toward supporting this site. So, while not all outbound product links are affiliate links go ahead and assume that they are.

Pictures, images, graphics, etc

All graphics and images are property of Grey Top Warriors unless otherwise noted. We always try to give credit where credit is due. If you find a picture on our site and you’d rather it not be here (because you own it, not because you think it’s ugly), just let us know and we’ll be happy to do a switch.

Comment Board Policy

Please use your real name if possible or a nickname your friends would call you. I reserve the right to edit and delete any comments for any reason. Please play nice. I’m all for a good, heated debate, but if you resort to ad hominem attacks or profanity you will be deleted and banned. I do my best to answer any and all comments and emails from readers, but the site is growing to the point where this isn’t a practical possibility. Keep sending me your questions but know that if the blog post is more than 30 days old I probably won’t be answering any new comment questions.


Greg “Grey Top Warrior” Noland

Sept, 2020

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